A simpler backdrop
The previous backdrop for the drawings was too dominant so in this version I have removed the fill in Illustrator leaving just the strokes in black. This is much more pleasing to the eye and sets off the drawings far better. I do enjoy the minor abstraction that these curves add to the linear arrangement of drawings. The fact that we can’t quite see the shapes is curious – they could be contorted human figures or some appear like outstretched fingers. The fact that we are looking at geographical data is nicely hidden but the square drawings add an overlaid grid format that entices the viewer to put a map together from these separate elements.
The way these lines connect some of the drawings together is appealing as well. I see the lines as a contorted family tree that has been blown apart. We don’t see the formal historical lineage but a twisted mishmash of stories and memories caused by trauma. The family album has been crushed and opened again to reveal a new set of truths.
The two finger V sign (sitting very dominant at top centre by accident) now takes on an extra significance of pushing back against this formality as well as the encroaching enemy.
I enjoy this addition and I feel it forms a subtle and effective backdrop. The next stage would be to experiment with suspending the drawings in front of the backdrop as the addition of lighting and shadows will present extra interest that needs to be considered.
Hanging the drawings
As mentioned previously, I have some silver rings on order to hang the drawings that have still to arrive in the post. In advance of this I mocked up below some options. Silver rings at the top and some found black IKEA curtain hooks at the bottom. What immediately springs out is how well the black works against the drawings in place of the silver. The pre-formed shape of these hooks also creates an ideal and consistent separation between the drawings. They also have a nice curved retro feel to them.
On this basis I’ve decided that the black enhances the look where as the silver detracts from it.
The challenge I face is that I only have enough hooks to hang 15 drawings, as below – spring loaded hooks could be used at the top to hold the drawings on to a horizontal wire. Delivery of new ones from IKEA would not be until 1st June, hence too late for my final submission. I will check with my tutor whether I could photograph the drawings in two halves and stitch them together in Photoshop. I feel this could be done successfully.
Next steps
A peer review of the above concept will give me the confidence to punch holes in all the drawings to hold the hooks – this I need as there is no going back once done.
I also need to print out the backdrop as professionally as possible. This will be a challenge on an A4 printer. The other option would be to trace the backdrop on an A1 sheet, which I do possess. An analogue version of the backdrop would be worth comparing to the printed version. This could be evaluated very quickly.