Drawing has it all. It is the root of an artist’s creative process and however frustrating it can be and pointless it can seem, it has to be pursued endlessly. I’ve pursued it for many years and it has become part of my soul, so I carry a sketchbook everywhere and draw, write, stick and scrawl whatever I see. Most of this will never be seen but occasionally something captures me and I work harder on a drawing that has merit. Michael Craig Martin sums up the beauty of drawing and it is the immediacy of it that I have always loved.
“These characteristics [of drawing] include spontaneity, creative speculation, experimentation, directness, simplicity, abbreviation, expressiveness, immediacy, personal vision, technical diversity, modesty of means, rawness, fragmentation, discontinuity, unfinishedness and open-endedness. These have always been the characteristics of drawing.”
Michael Craig Martin