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Art terminology quiz

The terminology in and around the art world can be a bit overwhelming – art movements, techniques, artists, philosophies, etc, etc. So how can we get familiar with all these terms so that they can be used confidently in everyday language? Well, I was a bit of a programmer in a past life so it made sense to dust off those skills and create a simple art terminology quiz that I can use to test myself on the move. I thought that this may also be useful to other aspiring artists so the quiz is available here.

For any nerds, it’s simple HTML, JavaScript and CSS. There are 170 terms in total and 30 are taken at random for every quiz taken. The correct definition for each term is simply shown mixed in with 3 other definitions for other terms. That much I do know. If you like it, please email me, particularly if you can think of any enhancements.

I’m thinking of creating a similar quiz for works of art that would show a piece of art with 4 options as to the artist. That would take a little more time!

Enjoy and good luck.

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